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Ayres for the Violin: The Third Part

Table of Contents

Matteis included two tables in his edition, one listing "the most Easy Ayres in ye Book that may be played with the Flute as well as the Violin," and the other "ye Passages & Ayres a little harder to practice upon the Violin with double Stops and divisions." The titles in the tables are in English while those in the body of the work are in Italian. Matteis omitted a few pieces from his tables; in those cases the English title is blank in this table.

English Title Italian Title Key
2.Quick Passages to make a handAdagioG
3. Sarabanda FacileG
4.A FugaFugaG
5. AdagioG
6.Mocking TuneBurlescaG
9. VivaceF
10.Gavotta with variationsGavotta con DivisioniF
11.Prelude after ye Italian mannerPreludiod
12.A quick motion with a Running BassPrestissimod
13. Adagiod
14.An Ayre with a divisionAria con Divisioned
15. PreludiettoD
16.A quick FugaFugaD
17.A slow thing with double stopsAriosoD
18.A JiggAdagio-GigueD
19.Easy AyreAria Facileg
20.Another Ayre with some divisionAria for the Fluteg
21.A GraveGraveg
22. Fugag
23.Ayre with imitation of ye BassoAria con Immitatione del Bassog
24.A melancholique preludePreludio Allegro-Malinconicoc
25.Ayre with divisionAria con Divisionec
28.Ayre with divisionAria con Divisioni, For the FluteC
29.A BallettAria per BallareC
30.Cour't after the French mannerCorrente all Maniera FranceseC
31.A Slow AyreAriac
33.A grave PreludePreludio Gravef
34.An AyreAriaf
35.Another slow thingAdagiof
36.A quick Ayre with a running BassAriaf
37.PreludePreludioB flat
38.FugaFughettaB flat
39.A slow AyreAriaB flat
40.An Ayre in imitation of the hornpipe Aria Allegra, Con Divisione Per Far la ManoB flat
42.A division AyreAria con Divisione per Far la Manog
44.An Ayre to make a handAria Sminuita per Far la Manog
45.A PreludePreludiob
47.Another AyreAriab
48.A BallettBallettob
49.A MovementPiccolo Motivob
50.Quick PreludePreludio Ordinarioe
51.A slow PreludeAltro Preludioe
52.A MotionMotivoe
53.An adagioAdagioe
55.Saraband with divisionSarabandae
56.PreludePreludio alla Maniera Italianaa
57.Fuga with single or double stopsFugaa
59.Ayre with divisionAria con Divisionea
60.An AndamentAndamentoc
61.A FugaFugac
62. Piccolo Andamentoc
63.Ayre with a litle FugaAriac
64.Easy AyreAria for the Flutec

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